Monday, April 10, 2006

You no longer amuse me, but it is sad that people think you are a god and worship you as such.

I KNOW I should not be giving him any form of publicity through my incessant comments and sporadic posts, but Mr. Internet "god" is grating my nerves. What kind of idiot would actually PROMOTE food poisoning between students in the public, and through the world wide web no less?! Not only is this utterly stupid and very much an attention-grabbing technique, but it is also arrogant, selfish, unethical and inhumane. It raises questions about this man's lineage and upbringing, or in his case the utter lack thereof. But then again it comes as no surprise to me. After all, he is so attached to computers, gadgets, the internet, and all forms of media technology, that he has completely forgotten how to be human. He is the kind of person that writers, directors and creators of videogames, comics, television shows, books, manga and anime advise us not to become, the kind of person that these parties rouse us to rise up in linked flesh-and-blood arms against.

I am also now of the mindset that all Filipino-American men are stupid, contemptious, insensitive, idiotic jerks with little or no pride in their Filipino heritage, traditions and values as opposed to Filipina-American women, and abominations to the rest of humanity at large. And sadly it is all thanks to his man and many others of his ilk, of which I have known many.